Call Donald Trump What He Is: American Villain, American Traitor

Christian Thrailkill
4 min readMar 21, 2023


Donald Trump: The 45th President of The United States of America. Twice Impeached, American Traitor.

Tomorrow could be one of the most momentous days in the history of the United States of America. For the first time in our history, we could be arresting a former President of the United States for criminal activity.

The mere specter of such an event has put the nation on edge, as memories of January 6th’s coup attempt at the direction of Donald Trump are still fresh in the public consciousness. Donald Trump has been actively calling upon his faithful to stop his arrest via mass demonstrations. The lack of subtlety is characteristically him. They are also evil and treasonous.

These are not words I use lightly. I know the danger of ratcheting up political heat and acrimony. These are the hyperbolic words used by Republicans since the time that I was a child and an active member of the party. But sometimes you need to have the courage to call someone exactly what they are: evil. I use that word specifically because there is a moral element to what Donald Trump has done that cannot be overlooked, despite what others would say.

I’m Catholic. In the Catholic faith, for an action to be a mortal sin, an act of true evil that actively cuts one off from the grace of God, certain ethical conditions must be met. A mortal sin is a grave action that is committed in full knowledge of its gravity and with the full consent of the sinner’s will. Donald Trump, in attempting to incite riots and violence to defy the law, all so he can escape the legal consequences of his actions, meets these conditions. Similar conditions and definitions of an act of evil can be found in almost every major moral framework in human history.

To catch up readers on the cause of Tuesday’s particular indictment, Donald Trump cheated on his wife, broke multiple laws in order to cover up the affair WHILE he was in the White House, and Michael Cohen, his own lawyer, went to jail for said crime already. Donald Trump has also incited death and violence for far less, such as losing a fair and free election. He has written a symphony of lies in order to pretend that the election was “stolen” from him, when of course he was simply rejected by the American People. He has promised “retribution” on his enemies, who are not China or Russia, but his fellow Americans.

The threat of violence cannot intimidate us from having the courage and moral clarity to call out Donald Trump’s actions for that they are. Worrying about the vitriol and projection of 75 million Americans who rationalized and excused his moral depravity by casting aspersions on others is not a reason for couched language. So, for the public record and for posterity, let us say it once more: Donald Trump, the former President of the United States is committing an act of evil, just like his pals Xi, Putin, and Kim. Donald Trump is committing treason against the United States of America. And we must hold him to account.

I understand the Banana Republic accusations and concerns. My own family came to America fleeing the fascism of Peronist Argentina and the communism of Castro’s Cuba. Understand that these accusations are projections and gaslighting. Since 2016, Donald Trump has committed numerous crimes and treasonous acts in front of our eyes. The Stormy Daniels cover-up, the shakedown of Zelensky, the dismissal of Jamal Khashoggi’s execution, the denial of Covid-19's existence, and of course, January 6th’s coup attempt all happened in broad daylight, in front of our eyes, and no amount of lies or violent intimidation can change the truth.

For better and for worse, Donald Trump is a uniquely American creation of a man. He’s Lex Luthor. He’s Gotti. He’s Biff. He’s a singularly venomous cancer upon our nation. He is our failures, our insecurities, our toxic traits, our evils all in a single man. He is vain, petty, insecure, proudly ignorant and uncaring, unintelligent, a braggart, a pathological liar, a cheater, a racist, evil, and above all, treasonous. All of our worst impulses wrapped up in a man too rich, too old, and too proud to ever admit wrongdoing, and so instead he will burn down the United States of America if it means avoiding the consequences of his life choices.

Donald Trump is the great American villain of the age, and the greatest American traitor since Benedict Arnold. Do not let him fool you otherwise.

Christián Thrailkill is a graduate of Southern Methodist University and University of North Texas, musician, and columnist. He lives in Dallas, Texas. Follow him on Twitter @Wolvie616

